Children’s Songs and Dances from India
Produced, Directed, Animated and Music by: Manick Sorcar
Basanti Studios
A Scene from "Children's Songs
and Dances from India"
Children's Songs and Dances from India (Bengali; subtitled in English) is a collection of popular children's songs and dances by Piya (8 yrs old) and Payal (5 yrs old) with a mix of animation to create a true children’s world. The music video is directed and animated by Sorcar himself and were based upon his written music released in the mid 80s. The songs were written in an effort to teach his daughters Bengali so they could communicate with their grandparents when visiting India and to also carry on their heritage. The songs have voices of Sorcar , his wife, in addition to his two daughters. It’s a true family production includes:
Santa Claus – A song about a second generation little Indian girl (in USA) taking Santa Claus to India to spread happiness and deliver gifts to the children. There she introduces Santa Claus to all the Indian fairy tale characters while giving the children of India a glimpse of Santa Claus and his reindeer.

Astronaut – A story about a little girl who dreams of becoming an astronaut some day and fly to many stars in outer space. She imagines herself flying into the galaxy and makes her dream come true.

Uncle's Home – A story of a young girl who visits her aunt and uncle in hopes of being spoiled by her family. There she discovers all the fun things to do and the funny personalities of her family members.

A Scene from "In the Sweet Morning"
A Scene from "Santa Claus"

A Scene from "In the Sweet Morning"

In the Sweet Morning
– It’s all about a fantasy land with different farm animals all singing together rejoices life.

Wedding of the Mole - A hilarious song about the wedding of a mole and all the preparations that went into making this a fabulous union. The wedding procession starts from India and ends in Disneyland, USA, where the ceremony is attended by western animated celebrities.

Peek-A-Boo – It’s time to have some fun as a little girl plays hide and seek with her friends Indian style.

The Sun Shines through the Clouds – A beautiful song and dance about nature and the life it brings with it as children play outdoors during their holidays. It is based on a poem written by Nobel Laureate Rabindranath Tagore

The Man From the Fairy Land - A magical man arrives from a fantasy land to bring children toys and gifts to cheer them up.

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