Seed of Hope Lives On

President Obama: Seed of Hope

Seed of Hope lives on.

Eight years ago, when Barack Obama was elected as the first African-American President of the USA, I celebrated the historic milestone by crafting his portrait using one of the most basic elements: seeds. To me, he represented a ‘seed of hope’.

He remains the same today.

Obamas's last day of presidency is January 20, 2017. As I look back the last eight years of the Obama administration and see his accomplishments amidst the political challenges, he remains a constant source of inspiration to me, millions of others in the United States of America and abroad.

Thank you, Mr. President.

-Manick Sorcar
..January 11, 2017
..Denver, Colorado, USA

(Note: Upon creation in 2009, the unique portrait instantly flashed like fire over the internet. In 2010, it was featured in the art book "Designing Obama" by Scott Thomas,   the Design Director of Obama’s highly successful 2008 campaign. The Forewords of the popular book were by Steven Heller and Michael Beirut.)


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