His other laser animation classic "India Forever" of eight minutes,
which displayed the milestones of India's 4500 years of history
received thundering applause from the audience awed with the cutting-edge
laser technology mixed with Sorcar-art.
Sorcar received the award from Congressman Sam Gejdenson (D- CT,
2nd District), Congress of the United States, Committee on International
Relations, House of Representatives, Washington, DC, USA. Other
dignitaries included Steven R. Rothman, Member of Congress, Shashi
U. Tripathi, Consul General of India, H.R. Shah, Chairman of TV
Asia, Srichand P. Hinduja, Chairman of Hinduja Group of Companies
and many more. Renowned singers from India such as Sudesh Bhosle,
Alka Yagnik and Bela delighted the audience with their melodious
voice through Indian songs.